10 Tips For Staying Active During The Holidays

10 ways to stay active during the holiday season


I can’t believe it is almost Christmas! Only 2 more weeks and it will be here….along with all of the delicious holiday food. <sigh> This is the time of year that so many people fall off the wagon and lose all of their goals in a few short weeks. I have been thinking long and hard of ways to make sure that I stay active throughout the season and I came up with these 10 tips to share with you!

  1. Pack your work out gear- If you pack it and bring it with you, there will be no excuses. You won’t work out if you don’t have the means to, so make sure you have them with you!
  2. Get your work out in early- Wake up early and go before the rest of the family wakes up. If you go early you will have the rest of the day free and it will be out of the way. I know, personally, I will think up a million excuses if I don’t go first thing!
  3. Enter in a holiday fun run- There are usually 5ks a plenty around the holidays. If you sign up for one you have at least one activity planned!
  4. Build your activities into family time-  Take the family ice skating. Walk the family dogs. Go caroling at night. Walk the mall while everyone is shopping. If your activity is built in to your time with the family it will get done and you won’t even realize it:)
  5. Walk around the neighborhood to see lights instead of driving- This might not work if it snows or is freezing where you live, but here in Texas our weather will be perfect for walking the neighborhood. Walking is much better for you than driving around in that car, and *bonus points* you won’t get stuck in traffic!
  6. Plan ahead- Talk to your family members and see if they have any gym equipment you can use. If not, call local gyms to see if they allow guests. If you’re staying in a hotel, contact the hotel to see if there is a gym in the building. Get this out of the way before you head out of town and you will be much more likely to get it done!
  7. Be prepared- Bring your computer and a workout DVD just in case. Check out some Youtube videos in advance that require no equipment. These might be your plan, or they might be a last resort, either way you are prepared for anything!
  8. Offer to help with chores– Shovel snow, rake leaves, vacuum- all of these activities are calorie burning!
  9. Play with the kids- You burn so many calories just acting like a child. Spin them around, go sledding with them, run up and down the stairs, have fun Even if there are no kids around, that doesn’t mean you can’t act like it!
  10. Make it a group activity- You know your great aunt wants to lose 5 lbs! Invite her to come with you and be active as well! Hanging out with the family while you are working out can make it seem like less of a hassle. It will also make you feel less guilty if you don’t leave them.

I hope these help you plan your work outs and stay active this holiday season! Have something to add? Let me know in the comments below!

All That Glitters Blog


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