Bikini Love

Hi Lovelies!

I hope everyone’s week is going well! Mine has been pretty great, minus the lack of sleep on Monday night. We had a HUGE storm and Sophie has all of the sudden become afraid of storms. She moved around all night, trying to inch closer and closer to me, which wasn’t even possible since she was already on top of me! Lol! I have been trying to make up for my sleep since then…<sigh> The things we do for our fur babies. She’s lucky that she’s the cutest thing I have ever seen, or else she would have been kicked off the bed!

The rains over the past few days have really left me wishing for sun. We have been so spoiled the past few weeks with all of the beautiful weather, now that we’ve had a few days of rain I have been getting antsy! My Momma and Dad are coming in to town to see our new house this weekend, so I hope the weather is nice and sunny. Mom and I could use a little time in the sun while the men work on home projects:) Haha! Shhh, don’t tell Wes and Dad! In hopes of a nice weekend, I will leave you this morning with some really cute suits I have been dying to get for the summer!

Now I just need to get my running motivation back so that I look good in my bikini! I was doing so well before the half marathon, but since have been seriously lacking. I know a lot of it has to do with the whole buying a house thing, and the stress of it all…but I need to jump back on the band wagon and QUICK!

Anyone out there have any good motivation for me?

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