
Gold dot tee with pink skirtLife lately has been hectic. Work has been busy, my shop has been busy, Wes and I have both been a little sick….and guess what gets put on the back burner? That’s right, the good old blog. I’m okay with it though. I’ve been posting 5 days a week for the last 2 years and I guess it’s just time to cool off a little. Step back and see where I want to take it all. If you haven’t noticed, I have been posting a lot more about food and health over the last few months a long with my outfit posts. I think that’s where All That Glitters is headed. What started as purely just style blogging, has taken a turn to lifestyle. I love to post all of my outfits and will continue to do so, but I want to talk about more than just style. Healthy eating and living is one of the biggest things in my life right now, so it just seems right to talk about it more and more here on the blog:)

Once we get to a point in our lives where kids are on the horizon, I’m sure you’ll see a little swing over into plenty of baby posts…but for now food, health, style, and my life in general is where its at! I hope you all stick around with me through this busy time in my life just as you always have in the past! I wouldn’t be here without you! :)

Pink skirt with a t-shirtPink skirt and gold polka dot t-shirtKate Spade flamingo handbagGold polka dot tshirt with pink and turquoise statement necklaceGold dots and pinkKate spade cedar street flamingo handbagGold dot t-shirt with pink statement necklaceFlamingo handbag with pink skirt

Get The Look:

Target Skirt & Belt  //  Lucy and Lyla Top  //  Kate Spade Flamingo Purse- Exact not available, but you can still get this one  //  c/o  Happiness Boutique Necklace  //  DSW Sandals

Of course I didn’t notice my belt being all wonky until I was done with photos…dammit! lol! But, anyways, this outfit just screams happiness to me. The colors are bright, there are gold polka dots involved…and the necklace is just that, pure happiness. No wonder the boutique it is from is called the Happiness Boutique! If my accessories all came from there I would be happy all the time:) Haha! This one has really caught my eye and I might be needing it before we make our trip to London this fall…

You see how I did that? Slipped in a trip to London without having ever mentioned it before? Haha! Well, we’re doing it! We’re making a trip to London and Paris later on this fall and I am BEYOND ecstatic! If you guys have any must dos (especially in Paris) let me know in the comments below!

All That Glitters Blog Signature

Orange With A Bow

Belted cardigan with boots

Well, the holidays are officially over and it is back to a normal, full-day work schedule for this lady. <sigh> I think I always go through a sort of post-holiday depression after it is all over with. I get so excited for an entire month and then it’s all over and done with so quickly. <Double sigh> On to the next holiday! Lol!

Burnt orange cardi with belt Target cardigan with brown bow belt Quilted clutch with boots Orange Cardigan with Zara look alike blanket scarf Zara Blanket scarf Zara blanket scarf look a likeGet The Look:

New York & Company Button down tank  //  Groopdealz Scarf  //  Target Cardigan  //  Target Bow Belt  //  Chinese Laundry Boots via Zulily  //  Charming Charlie Handbag, Bracelet, & Necklace

Shop Bow Belts:

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing weekend! Wes and I spent a lot of time this weekend doing homey things. Weeding, cleaning up the backyard, staining a dresser, painting the garage, washing the dog who got into the paint in the garage….lol! Homeownership is fun if you ask me. Minus the weeding, I enjoyed every minute of the work! Oh, and not counting trying to get paint out of the dog’s fur. Sophie now has one short ear because I had to trim the paint off of the bottom of one. <This is the third time I have wanted to sigh in this post, I guess we all know what kind of mood I’m in today!> I also went to Joann’s and got some awesome fabric to start some great crafty projects! I’ll be sure to share them all on here once they are finished!

Today’s outfit is a comfy and wonderful one. It has been pretty chilly here in Austin so I have gotten a lot of use out of my Groopdealz blanket scarf! It really is super cozy and can be worn in SO many different ways! I have been wanting a belt like this forEVER! I saw one on a blog a long time ago and it was sold out by the time I had a chance to shop for it, but my persistence in checking back in on the Target site paid off when I found it for sale again a few weeks back! Yay me! I also love this button down top. I got it back during summer time at New York & Company and it is fabulous for layering in Texas winter. It’s great because it has no sleeves and doesn’t make you TOO hot, it also doesn’t bunch up under your cardigan! I love that I can still get the look for a button down layered with a cardi and not have all of that bulk! Highly recommend!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday! Thanks for reading!

All That Glitters Blog