Suit Up

Flamingo-SuitSuit here

Hi Lovelies!

Remember this post a few weeks ago about my flamingo obsession? Yeah, well…I got really excited when I found this bathing suit on I have pretty much obsessed over everything I have seen with a flamingo on it since that post and decided that it was time to act on this obsession at least once! With yesterday being my birthday and all, I didn’t really have a bunch of time to put a post together, so this is all all I really wanted to share with you today. Have a fantastic weekend!


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Flamingo Love

Hi Lovelies!

It’s official, I have a new obsession. Flamingos have got to be the cutest things I have ever seen. Ok, minus Sophie, she’s the official cutest…Flamingos are a close second though:) It all started with those shorts down there that I found on Etsy. I need them! There is something vintage about them that I love and those little pom poms are just so cute. They would be perfect for summertime with a little pink bikini. <sigh> If only I was a millionaire and/or hadn’t just bought a house. Oh well, I guess I will have to go find some flamingo fabric at the store and try to make some fun stuff! I mean who doesn’t want a cute little pink flamingo on everything they own?!?

Flamingo Love

1 Flamingo Bathing Suit/ 2 Flamingo Slippers/ 3 Flamingo Earrings/ 4 Flamingo Studs
5 Hayden Reis Flamingo Tote/ 6 Flamingo Beach Shorts/ 7 Flamingo Print/ 8 Hayden Reis Flamingo Wristlet

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