
Ryan Cruz

Hi Lovelies,

I don’t really know how to begin this post. I do know that I have not been able to get this off of my mind all week, and something like that is definitely worthy of a post. Have you ever heard a tragic story on the internet or the news about someone you didn’t even know, someone half way across the country, yet you feel as though your heart is breaking for them? I don’t know what it is about this story in particular that did it to me. Maybe because his Momma is a blogger, maybe because he is the cutest little red head you ever did see, maybe because just looking at photos of him makes me want to smile and cry at the same time. Whatever it is, he has struck a cord in me. If you don’t know little Ryan’s story, you can read about it here.

Ryan Cruz Saldano Red Balloons for Ryan #redballoonsforryan

One thing that has blown me away during this week is the support of the online community. It just goes to show you that the internet can be the house for many mean and spiteful people, but it can also bring people together like nothing else can. It really restores my faith in humanity, to see so many people coming together and grieving for this family that they don’t even know. So many people reaching out to the family to give their support. So many people donating to the family to make their lives just a little bit easier during this awful time. I’m not a mother, so I won’t even pretend to understand, or begin to understand what their family is feeling, but I do want to show my support in any way I can. If you would like to donate to the family you can do so here. Keep this little guy and his family in your minds this weekend, and hug your little ones extra close.

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