Friday Dealz From Groopdealz

Hi Lovelies!

I know, I say this every week, but oh my goodness how the week has flown! It’s already Friday and I am so excited for the weekend….if only it wasn’t supposed to rain the whole time! Well, here are my picks for this week from Groopdealz, enjoy!

Decorative Pillows- $12.99

Fedoras– $8.99

These are my favorite for summertime! Especially at the pool or when you’re having a really bad hair day. I worn mine every single day on our honeymoon in Jamaica and it just looks cute with everything!

Decorative Pillows

Decorative Pillows– $12.99

I really need that yellow chevron pillow for my living room. And by that, I mean that I need it like I need a hole in my head because I have so many already….but I really want it! Ok? :)

iPhone case stickers

Personalized iPhone Lifeproof Decals– $4.99

This one makes me jealous that I don’t have an iPhone. Ok, well most days I’m jealous I don’t have an iPhone, but only because EVERY cool phone accessory is for the iPhone. It’s just not fair!

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**This post was sponsored by Groopdealz. However, all opinions are my own…I would never endorse something that I didn’t love myself!**

A Red & White Scarf As A Headband!

Red pants and chambray

Hi Lovelies!

It’s supposed to be nice here today, so I am excited! Though, I have to say, the weatherman has been EXTREMELY wrong lately so we shall see. They only seem to be right 30% of the time, which is stupid to me, what other jobs do you know of who can do it correctly 30% of the time and still get paid?! None! Well, here’s to hoping that it will be as spring-like today as my outfit is J The scarf used as a headband is what really does it for me, it makes the whole ensemble feel like a warm weather outfit.

Red and white striped head scarf Wearing a scarf as a headband Red and Chambray Studded leather purseRed and white scarf as a headband Chambray with red and white stripes Red and white striped headscarf Chambray red and white Chambray with red pantsGet The Look:

Chambray: Target (Similar), Pants: New York and Company (Similar), Boots: Charming Charlie (Similar), Scarf: c/o Luxe & Boutique, Necklace/Earrings/Spike Bracelet: Charming Charlie, Infinity Bracelet: Aldo (Similar here and here, Handbag: Bebe, Sunglasses: Aldo

Similar Styles:

I wrote THIS post last fall about tying scarves and I might need to add this way to my list! I love the way it hangs down into my hairJ We’ll have to see how many more ways I can think up to tie this little baby. I smell a new post on the horizon….

What’s your favorite way to tie a scarf for the springtime?

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Linking up with: Threefer Thursday 

One Year Ago

Hi Lovelies!

Exactly one year ago today I posted my very first post on All That Glitters. Now, I don’t count this as my first anniversary since I didn’t actually continue blogging much afterward until about June…but it is definitely something I want to celebrate:) That post, which is right here in case you were interested, tells a little about me and my little life here in Austin, TX. It also has a lot of really bad formatting…lol! Talk about hard to read! Well, I decided that since there are a couple new people around these parts since that post one year ago I would give you another glimpse into my life, maybe this time it won’t be quite as awful as that first one. So, here is a little list of firsts in my life…

First baby picture

My first picture ever.  I had surgery the day I was born, hence the big bandage.

Baby's first birthday

My first birthday. I was a messy kid and I loved cake. What can I say, some things never change.

Little girl's first bike

My first bike. I was obsessed with it and my doll…I look as though I may pull my little dolly’s hair out pretty soon though…

First day of school

My first day of school. This was over in England, and I’m pretty sure I was the cutest little British kid ever.

First time being awesome

My first time being awesome.  I clearly had the blogger hand on the hip pose down pat at a very young age…

First picture with my love

 My first picture with the hubby. We were the ripe old age of 16 seeing a movie with some friends:)

Sophie the Cavalier

 My first (and only) baby, Sophie. If you haven’t met Sophie yet, then you haven’t been hanging around enough! She is my little love bug and has the cutest face ever:)

First Glance

My first look at the man I am spending the rest of my life with on our wedding day.

So here we are twelve months and a few hundred followers later here we are. Speaking of that, I don’t know where all of you people came from, but thank you so much for showing up here when you do:) I appreciate it more than you will ever know! Hope you enjoyed my little list of firsts!

What was your very first post about? Link them up in the comments so I can read!

All That Glitters Blog SignatureIf you haven’t already followed along with me, you should do it today to celebrate the anniversary of my first post!

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Stripes And Rainboots

Rainy day dress

Hi Lovelies!

Is it just me, or does it just so happen to rain every time you NEED to do something outside?! Saturday was 80 and wonderful and of course I didn’t take any outfit pictures then…I waited until Sunday. Well, when I woke up on Sunday morning it was rainy and 40 degrees and it just got colder and rainier from there! So, I just went with the flow, got out my rain boots and umbrella, and froze my butt off:) I actually was under  the impression that it was rainy and 55 or so when I put this outfit on. I was seriously mistaken.

Stripes and rainboots

Pink and white dress with grey Pink and white stripes with grey Pink and white striped dress with grey

Pink, white, and grey

Rainboots and umbrella Pink striped dress with rainbootsGet the Look:
Dress: Forever 21, Rain boots: Charming Charlie, Watch & Bracelet: Charming Charlie, Necklace: I don’t remember, Belt: Francesca’s, Earrings: Target, Umbrella: Victoria’s Secret, Cardigan: Target

To be 110% honest, that last picture is only in there because it looks like I’m about to kill someone with my umbrella and it makes me laugh:) Lol! I love this outfit though! I wore it back in July for a double date night with the husband and I have been wanting to style it a little more casually ever since. Rain boots definitely fit the casual bill, and they went perfectly with the pink and white theme.

What’s your favorite way to style rain boots?

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I Want Summer Now

Hi Lovelies!

I know it’s super early for this, but I am totally ready for summer. Just bear with me for a day (Yeah right, I’ll be talking about summer until it’s here…lol) I spent WAY too much time this weekend looking for cute 4th of July outfits…I know, 4TH OF JULY!! It’s March Megan, really?! Well, it was just SO yucky yesterday I couldn’t help myself. I think the problem is that Wes and I are starting to plan all of our summer vacations and now I just can’t stop thinking about what I’m going to wear for our week at the lake! I do this every year…get prematurely excited about summer and plan outfits/bathing suits months in advance. Then I am just disappointed when we have a cold spell like we are right now. Argh!

I want summer

I have been wanting a cute pair of American flag shoes and shorts since last summer, but we didn’t do anything for the 4th so it wasn’t worth it. I will for sure need some this year though! I also want to make this cute bandeau that I found on Pinterest in stars and stripes!

Summer Style

Ok, enough about my need for summer, on to other things. My ankle is feeling much better after not running for a week, I’m hoping to start up again tomorrow night so that I can get back into the swing of things for the race:) I am so excited for it! The BFF and I are going to get a beach house from to stay in for the weekend since the race is in a beach town:) Just one more reason to dream about summer clothes and cute bikinis (like all of the ones above that I want SO badly!)

What are you planning on doing this summer?

All That Glitters Blog SignatureLinking up with: Funday MondaySweet Tea Social, Stylish Tuesday, Lets Be Friends