Patience Is A Virtue…That I Don’t Have

Navy shirt dress with floppy hat and boots
When spring first comes you can often hear me talking about how I wish I didn’t have to work inside and what I wouldn’t give to sit outside on my computer when I need to be doing indoor things. Come fall, I am SO glad I do work inside if only because of my lack of patience in waiting for fall to come. It has been much cooler here in Austin in the mornings, but other than that it has been 80+ degrees pretty consistently for the past few weeks. We have had a day or two here and there of cooler weather, but for the most part it has been warm. The reason I am so glad I work inside during the fall is because then I get to wear all of my pretty fall clothes and layers and it doesn’t bother me:) I have to dress for the real weather on Mondays because Monday is errand day, but other than that I am in full fall force! Looking at me while I’m at work, you would think it was 60 degrees outside daily. I’m sure my boss and the men at work all think I am crazy, but I just love fall fashion too much to miss out on any of it! When I get home from work I always have to “Texify” my fall outfits if we are going anywhere or eating out that night…but for the daytime I get to dream that it really is 60 outside. Don’t worry, I still love my hot Texas weather, I’ll be over fall by November and back to bragging that it’s 80 when it’s 40 everywhere else:)
Navy Shirt dress with boots Navy Shirt Dress- Fall Outfit Inspiration Floral Navy Dress with Floppy Hat Fall Outfit Inspiration- Navy Shirt Dres with Floppy HatAll That Glitters- Fall outfit inspiration, the shirt dress Navy shirt dress with boots and camel bag Fall daisies Cute shirt dress with hat and boots
Get The Look:
Target Shirt Dress  //  Charming Charlie Boots & Handbag  //  White Plum Hat  //  Aldo Sunglasses  //  Charming Charlie Bracelets
Shop Shirt Dresses:
In my defense it is chilly in the office sometimes. I work with a bunch of men so the air is turned pretty low most of the time. This outfit is a example of that “Texifican” technique I was talking about earlier. The cardigan and tights have come off and I am ready to venture out into the real world where I would die of heat stroke otherwise. Do you live in a hot climate? If so, do you like to pretend its cold out too?:)
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20 Comments Patience Is A Virtue…That I Don’t Have

  1. Andi

    Love the boot/bag combo. I work in San Francisco and it is always mild, I dress for fall ALL year round, which is fine with me as that is my favorite season and I hate hot weather.

  2. Nancy

    I recently moved from Canada to California and I thought I’d love this year year round – but I swear I’m longing for the days of chillier nights where I can finally layer up my clothing!

  3. Lindsay

    Haha I can totally relate to you since I live in Arizona right now. Some of the girls at my work are dressing for fall too even though it is still warm out. Dont get my wrong I LOVE fall clothes but I just cant wait clothes and be hot all day in them. Thankfully it is starting to cool down a little bit!

  4. Michelle Snow

    I have extremely limited patience. I thought for half a second I would want to be a teacher, then realized very quickly that no, in fact I would fail miserably at that position. You look great by the way.

  5. Carolann

    What a great outfit! Love the hat! I’d be anxious for fall too if I could put together such a great outfit for the season!

  6. Rebekah

    It’s already below freezing here and we’re supposed to have close to 6 inches of snow by Sunday… I wish I could wear something cute like this in the fall! But it’s gloves, toques, tights and winter boots here already!


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