Homemade Apple Sauce & 12 Other Apple Recipes

Homemade Cinnamon Apple Sauce

I won’t lie, the cool weather this weekend really got me in the mood for fall. This is Texas though, that weather was only temporary and it will be back up to 90 degrees today and for the rest of this week. I just have to keep reminding myself that when it’s 20 degrees everywhere else, it will feel like fall in Texas. The mild “winter” weather is one of the things I love most about Texas. But, back to this weekend and the fallness:)

Saturday morning I woke up and let Sophie out in the backyard, I couldn’t believe how cold it was for the middle of September. I was in the fall mood, so I threw on a cute fall outfit, grabbed my grocery list, and headed off to Starbucks. I’m not a hot coffee person (Iced coffee all the way), so I ordered my usual Hot Chocolate (non-fat, no whip, extra hot) and wandered next door to HEB. You could feel it in the air, despite the rain, everyone was excited for this weather. My first fall meal of the year is almost always the same, beef stew and apple sauce. Delicious comfort food that makes your entire house smell like a fall heaven.

Homemade Apple Sauce


  • Apples
  • Cinnamon
  • Brown Sugar
  • Granulated Sugar
  • Lemon juice

Cinnamon Apple Sauce

Apple Sauce From Scratch


  1. Core the apples and then slice them into 8 equal pieces. Cut those pieces in half.
  2. Put the apples into a saucepan with 1/2 a cup of water and half of a lemon’s worth of juice. Stir the apples to coat them all with the lemon and water.
  3. Let the apples simmer, covered for about 8 minutes.
  4. Add 1/4 cup of brown sugar and 1/4 cup of sugar. Stir.
  5. Add cinnamon to your liking. I don’t use measurements for this one, so you’ll have to bear with me:) I just shake that shaker a few times until my kitchen smells of cinnamon and apples! Haha!
  6. Let the apples cook, uncovered for another 10-15 minutes, or until all of the water is gone. I like to smash the apples with my stirring spoon as I go to give it a little bit more of an apple sauce consistency.


  • If you prefer not to have skins in your apple sauce, just peel them at the beginning before cooking. You will need to cook the apples for less time without the skins in order to get a chunkier apple sauce.
  • If you prefer a less chunky apple sauce, just cook it longer and they will mush us more. It is easier to acquire a less chunky consistency with no skins.

13 Apple Recipes

Since apple recipes make me crave fall, and I want to torture as many people as I can in to craving fall as well, I’m going to share a few really good ones from across the internet that I found! Hehe, I’m not evil I swear! I have to say, I may need to make some apple waffles for breakfast next weekend and that apple dip would be awesome with some cinnamon chips for a fall get together with friends:)

Apple Recipes for fall

Caramel Apple Bundt Cake  //  Caramel Apple Cupcakes  //  Apple Pie Stuffed Waffles  //  Caramel Apple Snickers Salad  //  Hot Apple Cider  //  Glazed Apple Turnovers  //  Apple Nachos  //  Apple Pie Dip  //  Apple Crisp Fries  //  Apple Pork Loin  //  Apple Butter Cinnamon Rolls  // Caramel Apple Crumble  //  Homemade Apple Sauce

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12 Comments Homemade Apple Sauce & 12 Other Apple Recipes

  1. Tracy Anderson

    These look yummy! I’ve not ever made homemade apple sauce but will be trying it soon as I have some apples that need to be used up. :) P.S. I’m stopping by from the Texas Women Bloggers to say hello! :)


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