Fashion & Health

Aztec print cotton shorts

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I spent mine in Houston with my best friend and we had a blast shopping, eating, gossiping, eating some more….having a bit of wine:) It was so nice to see her two weekends in a row, and I’m sure it will be strange not to see her again for a little while. The shopping was exceptionally wonderful since I had won a $150 Visa gift card at work on Friday! I bought two pairs of Kendra Scott earrings with it and even had some left over to run to Target! I’ll definitely be posting some outfits with my new earrings in the coming weeks because they are beautiful!Turquoise top with aztec shorts Turquoise chiffon tank with coral purse Turquoise chiffon top with aztec shorts Turquoise chiffon tank and aztec print cotton shorts
Coral bow handbang Aztec print for spring 2015 Aztec cotton shorts with chiffon tank

Get The Look:

Macy’s Tank Top  //  Macy’s Shorts  //  Charming Charlie Handbag  //  Very Jane Wedges  //  Kendra Scott Necklace & Earrings

This outfit is SO comfortable! Heather and I actually bought the same one last weekend when she was in Austin. I got a turquoise top and she got a coral one:) I am so happy that comfy shorts like these are back in this spring! They make it so much easier to enjoy the hot summer here in Texas! When it’s 100 degrees outside, it’s not just about the amount of clothing you are wearing, the comfort level has to be high as well! I will get a lot of use out of these in the months to come I’m sure of it!

In other news, today marks the beginning of my first whole30. If you don’t know much about the whole30, you should go to the site and explore! It’s basically a way of detoxing your body over 30 days by cutting out all grains, dairy, soy, legumes, sugar, alcohol, carrageenan, MSG, or sulfites. According to a lot of testimonials and people I know personally, it really does make you feel amazing! It helps you stop cravings for all sorts of unhealthy things and MY real goal is to break my addiction to sugar and pasta! These two things are my biggest challenges when trying to eat healthy and I feel like if I can break my habit in 30 days I will be so much healthier over the long run and will feel better too! Your diet can be effecting you in so many negative ways. Poor diets can lead to aches and pains, inability to lose weight no matter how much you exercise, headaches, skin issues, digestive problems, allergies, infertility, etc. Now, the program doesn’t claim to fix all of these issues, as some may actually have another cause, but it’s worth a try to see if they are linked, right? So, here I am…trying it out. Wish me luck, it’s going to be rough for me for a few days! I’ll be sure to keep you guys all updated on my progress and how everything is going. If you are interested in starting a whole30 soon, let me know and maybe we can be email buddies and support each other!

How was everyone else’s Easter weekend, what did you do?

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Mealenders great to help with overeating
I love food. It’s really as simple as that. I love food that’s good for you, I love food that is bad for you…I just for the most part love food. Well, I guess we have a love hate relationship. I love food, but I hate the calories. Haha! When I was contacted as a part of my Sweat Pink Ambassadorship to review MealEnders, I knew that I had to try it. I mean, something that claims to help you beat overeating? I’m all about that! They sent me a package of each flavor MealEnders and I have been able to try them out for the last month in order to give my honest option.
First, let’s talk a little bit about what MealEnders are. Well, according to MealEnders packaging and website, they are “signaling lozenges” that combine food science and psychology to offer a low-calorie and stimulant-free way to fight the urge to overindulge. Basically to summarize MealEnders offer you a reward and resets your taste buds. There are two layers, the first is the “reward layer” and it tastes like dessert, the second layer is a cool tingling layer that distracts your mind from the food you want to overeat! There is an entire page explaining all of the science behind it at such on their “How it Works” page if you would like in depth info!
Meal Enders chart
I’ll be honest with you, my first MealEnders weren’t taken to actually avoid overeating, I really just wanted to taste them. I was pleasantly surprised by how good they were! The chocolate mint was by far my favorite. I think it was the one that really helped to reset my palate the best. It was almost the same effect as when you brush your teeth and you have that mint taste in your month and anything you eat tastes bad. The mint flavor made me not crave any more food.
Chocolate Mint Mealenders- Great to help with overeating
I think one of the biggest things that you have to remember when taking your MealEnders is NOT to chew them in any way. Savor them! If you savor them and just let them melt away they will last for about 20 minutes. That really is enough time for you to forget about whatever it was that you were eating and it’s right around the time that your body will start to tell you you are full.
Sounds pretty great huh? Well, you are in luck, because I am giving away 4 packs of Meal Enders to one lucky reader out there! You will get to try all 4 flavors for free! All you have to do is enter in the rafflecopter below and come back to see if you won on Monday morning! I also have an exclusive MealEnders discount just for you guys! For the next two weeks you can get 30% off MealEnders by entering promo code WINNER-TOO at check out! I hope everyone who tries them out LOVES them…I know I will be going back for some more chocolate mint as soon as I run out! Good luck in the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Fit Friday: The 6 Best Apps To Get And Stay Healthy


Top six healthy apps

Welcome to Fit Friday! I was going to pick my top 5 apps, but I just couldn’t pick between my 6 favorites. All of the apps I’m going to talk about today, are ones that I use personally and I think they are great for helping you get healthier!

  1. Jawbone UP– This is the app that goes along with the Jawbone devices, but you can sync a lot of different devices to it, including android devices. The Up app has graphs to show you your step progress, allows you to keep track or your sleep and other activities, and lets you have teammates to motivate you. A bunch of guys at my work have this app with me and it’s always fun competition to see who is winning for the day! It also challenges you to beat your current average and those sorts of things, which are always really motivational for me. I honestly think having this app has made me walk 3 times farther than I normally would have in a day.
  2. My Fitness Pal– This is an app that you can track all of your food and work outs through. It also syncs with my Up app, which is super nice! I track my foods and it will tell me how many calories I have left and if I am eating too much sugar, carbs, etc. I love the barcode scanning part that allows you to scan the barcode of any item and it will give you the nutritional information. No more searching through a database to find the exact food you need!  This really helps me see exactly how much I really am eating. I would recommend not dieting for the first few days, and just see how much you really do consume. It’s very eye opening and I guarantee most of you are eating much less healthy than you think you are!
  3. Couch25K– A great app for someone who would like to run, but has never really done it. I used this when I first started running back in 2013. It’s great for easing your way into running and not burning yourself out. Highly recommend, especially to those who want to get in to running.
  4. iRunner– This is a great app for those without any sort of tracking device. I tells you how long you ran/walked and all of your stats to go along with it. Mph, distance, calories, elevation ascent and descent, lap times, and it even maps it out for you. This one is wonderful for walkers and runners.
  5. Deck of Cards– I love this app for when you don’t have time to go to the gym. It’s a great one to do first thing in the morning just before your shower, or before you shower at night. It goes by quickly and requires no equipment, yet it is intense. Love this one.
  6. Spotify– Music has saved my running career. If it weren’t for music, I would have given up on running long ago.  Music has honestly make me work out harder and better many a time. Put on a good jam and I am running faster, pedaling harder, or lifting bigger weights. It’s true:)

Now, I am in no way an expert, these are just apps I have found that have worked for me….I also want to try the  Zombies Run app, but am a little skeptical about it. Anyone out there tried it? Maybe I’ll take the plunge and spend the $3.99 soon and report back to ya!

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Jawbone UP24

Jawbone Up24
Happy Friday, Everyone! Fit Friday is back and today we are talking all about fitness trackers, specifically the UP24 by Jawbone. Our company is having a fitness challenge and is paying $100 towards a fit tracker for each of us. I think that this is such an awesome way to get your employees thinking about health and fitness in a new light. It has already helped a lot of the people at my company to realize how much we do or don’t walk in an average day. For my device, I chose the UP24. It counts your steps and work out, but also tells you how much sleep you are getting and how good or bad the food you are eating is. So far, I am a huge fan!
On average they say you should strive for 10,000 steps per day. If you are like me, you have a job where you walk around a lot and this is no big deal for you. On average, I walk about 9,000-11,000 steps just at my job. Then I get home and take Sophie for a walk, go for a run, or just walk around in my house. I am a pretty active person to say the least. There are some people at my company though, who have jobs that involve being on the phone for the entire day and they don’t get in more than 1,500 steps while at work. Trackers are great for these people because they can see how little they actually do move throughout the day and make adjustments to their lifestyle in order to work in those extra steps. Even as someone who walks a lot throughout the day, I benefit because I set my goals even higher than 10,000 and work towards some pretty high steps. I’m really striving towards being even more active person and the tracker has helped me along the way!
Jawbone App Steps
The feature I love the most besides the steps is the sleep app. It’s super cool how it detects when you fall asleep and tracks how long you are in a deep sleep. Then, you can set a smart alarm that will vibrate to wake you up within 30 minutes of your alarm time. It detects when you are in a lighter sleep and wakes you up gently during that time so that you aren’t all groggy an sleepy! I don’t know how it all works, but so far it has done very well!
Jawbone App Sleep
This post is not sponsored by Jawbone, or anyone else for that matter, I just really love my UP24 and wanted to share all the info with you guys for Fit Friday! If you do decide to get a tracker, shoot me an email (allthatglitters810 at so we can be friends on the UP app or we can compete on! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I’m going to leave y’all with some of my favorite ways to get extra steps in throughout your day! Enjoy and be healthy!

Ways to get your steps in:

  • Talk a long walk on your lunch break
  • Walk to other people’s offices or cubes instead of calling or messaging them
  • Place things that you need or want in inconvenient places
  • Walk to the grocery store
  • Park in the farthest spot from the door
  • Walk down every aisle in the grocery store
  • Pace while you talk on the phone
  • Only take small amounts of water from the cooler/fridge so that you have to get up to refill often
  • Play with your/the neighbor’s/your sister’s kids
  • Walk to/from any place that is under 1 mile from your home
  • Take the stairs
  • Take your dog for a walk
  • Go for a run

You can buy the Jawbone UP24 here in black for $92.87 or in red for $69.78 with free Prime shipping. If you want pink like I have it’s hard to find, but they have it at Kohls for $124 (usually $129) here.

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Fit Friday: Ikea Hack Standing Desk

Ikea Hack Standing DeskHappy fit Friday, everyone! Today, I’m going to talk about something that I, personally, have done at work to help myself stay active….a standing desk. Back story time!
After doing some research online, I decided at the beginning of last year to start sitting on a exercise ball while at my desk. Well, a day into it my back started hurting more than usual. After a little more research, I learned that you are only supposed to do this for part of the day because it can cause even more back pain than usual. Well considering I already have a bad back I decided to nix that idea! My next idea was a standing desk. I worked in retail management for 5 years prior to my current job, and if you know anything about retail you know that you stand all day long. Well, I was pretty used to standing all day and thought that if I could stand for most of my day at my current job I would feel so much less lazy! So, I looked online a little more and found a really great “Ikea hack” standing desk. One of the guys in my office actually had this exact same one so I knew that it would work well.
Standing Desk made from Ikea furniture

How to make it:

Start with an Ikea “Lack” side table, 2 shelves, and 2 brackets. (You will only need one table if you only have one monitor, but I have my laptop stand and a monitor so I needed two!). Attach the brackets to the lack table, and throw that shelf on up there! It is the perfect set up for me and puts my monitors at a really great height. I am about 5’4″ and my desk is 2’5″ tall for your reference. You could probably be up to about 5′ 8″ or 5’9″ before they would start to be to low at this desk height. You could always remedy that by sticking something underneath the legs to make it taller.

I feel like the standing desk makes me walk around more. Instead of sitting there in my chair when I am thinking, I pace my office. I also like to do some exercises while I am standing there. If you are sitting at a desk all day, you are much less likely to get up, move your chair, and then do exercises, but when you stand all day it just happens. Plus standing still for a while at your desk will make moving around feel great! I’ll be sure to let you in on my Standing desk work out sometime in the near future:)
Well, now that you know how to do it for a great price, there is nothing stopping you from getting a little healthier and building your own standing desk! Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Thanks for reading!
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